Windows XP Error 633 XPE Modem

Jun 9, 2006
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I have a problem with remote connection with XP Embedded
When I try to connect, the modem return Error 633: The modem...
With HiperTerminal and Diagnostic Tool of Modem I have not problem.
I suspect I lost some component to build the OS with Target Designer.
I have inserted:
TAPI (all)
Driver Modem

Which others components I must to insert?
I have need your help.

I tried your site but those informations are not usefuls.
Windows XP not use tapiini.exe and telephone.ini
I need information about XP Embedded components, I think.

Into registry I found unimdm.tsp as file as Provider0!! And I think is right.
Is there anybody that is working with it?

Try Microsoft's Website

Are you UK based or overseas??
May be you should look at the Microsoft site for more help?
I'm not in UK.
I'r writing from Italy.
I tried in Microsoft Site but I'm not found nothing of useful.

I'm not found nothing about components information to create an image of OS to remote connection....

I hope in pcreview forum: you are my last hope...
ghost it?

mikamauro said:
I'm not in UK.
I'r writing from Italy.
I tried in Microsoft Site but I'm not found nothing of useful.

I'm not found nothing about components information to create an image of OS to remote connection....

I hope in pcreview forum: you are my last hope...
Do you want to create an image of the O/S to send remotely, if so use Ghost?
Sadly unless anyone else comes along to help your stuck with me;)
I give a thanks to your interest, anyway.
I explain badly the problem. I haven't problem to build the image of OS. The system is OK except the remote connection.
Unfortunately, I can not to create a image of complete OS because of hard disk is very small. (512 MB). So I cut out a part of XP with Target Designer. The problem is that, probably, I lost some component to insert, but I don't know which it is.
Anyway thanks for your attention.