I have one customer with Local Disk being D: or E: on a couple of pc's &
can't change the bootdisk letter designation.
Previously I have checked the existence of a folder using
Len(Dir(C:\FolderName, vbDirectory)) checking for "" if it doesnt exist.
but if I do an If/ElseIf loop to check D & E drives I get an error 52 when a
Drive letter exists (testing on mine D thru K exist as DVD, CDRom, Card
Readers etc.) but isnt a valid Path.
I have tried the fs.fileExists route & that returns the same error +
sometimes the file won't exist but I need to make sure the folder does before
copying the frontend.
I have one customer with Local Disk being D: or E: on a couple of pc's &
can't change the bootdisk letter designation.
Previously I have checked the existence of a folder using
Len(Dir(C:\FolderName, vbDirectory)) checking for "" if it doesnt exist.
but if I do an If/ElseIf loop to check D & E drives I get an error 52 when a
Drive letter exists (testing on mine D thru K exist as DVD, CDRom, Card
Readers etc.) but isnt a valid Path.
I have tried the fs.fileExists route & that returns the same error +
sometimes the file won't exist but I need to make sure the folder does before
copying the frontend.