Error 400 in VB editor

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Excel 2010

I have had no problems using Ctrl-c and Ctrl-v to do a number of copy/paste’s whilst developing stuff on a worksheet.. I have three macros that do stuff on that sheet. One of the macros produces an input box for an entry on the sheet, you type a letter in the box and hit OK. The input box goes away and the letter appears in the designated cell on the sheet. This is all fine and good. However, out of the blue, now if I try to do a Ctrl-c ona cell on the sheet the screen reverts to the VB editor and I get Error Message 400 . So, I look up error 400 in help and this is what it says…

Form already displayed; can't show modally (Error 400)
This page is specific to the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) Language Reference for Office 2010.
You can't use the Show method to display a visible form as modal. This error has the following cause and solution:
• You tried to use Show, with the styleargument set to 1 -vbModal, on an already visible form. Use either the Unload statement or the Hide method on the form before trying to show it as a modal form.

I have no idea how to proceed from here. I can only presume it has something to do with the input box, but what??

I can Copy on the sheet by selecting "Home" click "Copy", select the destination cell and Ctrl-v.
Can someone steer me through this?


Excel 2010

I have had no problems using Ctrl-c and Ctrl-v to do a number of copy/paste’s whilst developing stuff on a worksheet.. I have three macros that do stuff on that sheet. One of the macros produces an input box for an entry on the sheet, you type a letter in the box and hit OK. The input box goes away and the letter appears in the designated cell on the sheet. This isall fine and good. However, out of the blue, now if I try to do a Ctrl-c on a cell on the sheet the screen reverts to the VB editor and I get Error Message 400 . So, I look up error 400 in help and this is what it says…

Form already displayed; can't show modally (Error 400)

This page is specific to the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) LanguageReference for Office 2010.

You can't use the Show method to display a visible form as modal. This error has the following cause and solution:

• You tried to use Show, with the styleargument set to 1 -vbModal, on an already visible form. Use either the Unload statement or the Hide methodon the form before trying to show it as a modal form.

I have no idea how to proceed from here. I can only presume it has something to do with the input box, but what??

I can Copy on the sheet by selecting "Home" click "Copy", select the destination cell and Ctrl-v.

Can someone steer me through this?




Forgot to post the code that produces the input box.

Sub XandO()

Dim j As Integer
Dim c As Range
Dim CName As String
j = Range("AB1").End(xlToLeft).Column

CName = InputBox("Enter a duplicated leter in AB4", "Donkey Letter")
Range("AB4") = CName

Range("A1").Resize(1, j).Select
With Selection
For Each c In Selection
If c.Value <> "" Then c.Offset(1, 0).Value = "X"
If c.Value = Range("AB4") Then c.Offset(1, 0).Value = "O"
If c.Value = "" Then c.Offset(1, 0).Value = " "
End With

AllInCell ' This macro puts all the X O,s into one cell

Range("A1").Resize(1, j).ClearContents
Range("A2").Resize(1, j).ClearContents

End Sub


I can't seem to duplicate the error, so I'm not sure if this will help. However, it could be that CTRL+c (or CTRL+v)has been inadvertently assigned to one of your macros, causing it to run when you are not expecting it to.

I could not find any reason why the code you posted would cause the inputbox to remain open, so perhaps another piece of code (such as the AllInCell sub that this code calls) is the culprit.

Since it looks like AllInCell is just concatenating all of the X's and O's, I think you could eliminate the other routine altogether. The sub I wrote below will build the X's, O's and spaces and place the result in cell A2. Hope it helps.


Sub XandO()

Dim j As Integer
Dim c As Range
Dim CName As String
j = Range("AB1").End(xlToLeft).Column

CName = InputBox("Enter a duplicated leter in AB4", "Donkey Letter")
If CName = vbNullString Then Exit Sub
Range("AB4") = CName
CName = vbNullString

For Each c In Range("A1").Resize(1, j)
Select Case c.Value
Case Is = Range("AB4").Value
CName = CName & "O"
Case Is = vbNullString
CName = CName & " "
Case Else
CName = CName & "X"
End Select

Range("A2").Value = CName ' This puts all the X O,s into one cell

Range("A1").Resize(1, j).ClearContents

End Sub
Excel 2010

I have had no problems using Ctrl-c and Ctrl-v to do a number of copy/paste’s whilst developing stuff on a worksheet.. I have three macros that do stuff on that sheet. One of the macros produces an input box for an entry on the sheet, you type a letter in the box and hit OK. The input box goes away and the letter appears in the designated cell on the sheet. This isall fine and good. However, out of the blue, now if I try to do a Ctrl-c on a cell on the sheet the screen reverts to the VB editor and I get Error Message 400 . So, I look up error 400 in help and this is what it says…

Form already displayed; can't show modally (Error 400)

This page is specific to the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) LanguageReference for Office 2010.

You can't use the Show method to display a visible form as modal. This error has the following cause and solution:

• You tried to use Show, with the styleargument set to 1 -vbModal, on an already visible form. Use either the Unload statement or the Hide methodon the form before trying to show it as a modal form.

I have no idea how to proceed from here. I can only presume it has something to do with the input box, but what??

I can Copy on the sheet by selecting "Home" click "Copy", select the destination cell and Ctrl-v.

Can someone steer me through this?




I did indeed assign Ctrl-c to a macro... I had it a short-cut to a "Clear" macro. Fixed that and iit works fine.
