When I start my computer, small windows pop up that say Protection Error 34
and Error 158.
Does anybody know what this means and what I can do to resolve the problem?
Thanks for your help.
You need to collect more information about the errors before you can go any
further. You can then search google or the Microsoft Knowledge Base with
the additional information that you find. Suggestions:
-When the error message appears, check the title bar of the message window
to see if a program name is mentioned.
-Look in Event Viewer for a more detailed error message. Event Viewer is
one of the administrative tools. If necessary, log on with an account that
is a member of the administrator group. Then click Start> Run and type
The Event Viewer will open. In the left pane are categories. Focus on the
"system" and "applications" categories. Click on "system" and the right
hand pane will show a list of events. Red icons are for errors. Yellow for
warnings. Blue is informational. Double click on red or yellow items that
occurred about the same time as protection error. A new screen will appear
with a detailed error message.
There is an icon in this screen that looks like two pieces of paper. Click
the icon and the error details are copied to clipboard. Open Notepad and
click on Edit > Paste. A copy of the error details appear in the Notepad
Repeat for any other errors that look like they might be related. The move
to the Applications branch and repeat the steps. Once you've collected all
of your error info into notepad, save the file. Then you can search on
google or at the Microsoft Knowledge Base using the more exact phrases.
-Try disabling all startup programs and restarting the computer. If a
successful start with no errors occurs, the errors are being caused by a
startup program. Add one startup item back at a time, restart and test to
see if error reappears. Repeat until error shows up again. Last item added
is causing the error.