Here is entire SQL
SELECT [New Product Design Input Form Target].[Applicable Statutory and
Regulatory Requirements], [New Product Design Input Form Target].[Product
Number], [New Product Design Input Form Target].[Product Type], [New Product
Design Input Form Target].[Size(mm)], [New Product Design Input Form Target].
[Development Spec Date], [New Product Design Input Form Target].[Key
Characteristics Notes1], [New Product Design Input Form Target].[Y Modules
(gm/den) Min1], [New Product Design Input Form Target].[Y Modules (gm/den)
Avg1], [New Product Design Input Form Target].[Y Modules (gm/den) Max1], [New
Product Design Input Form Target].[Toughness (gm/den) Min1], [New Product
Design Input Form Target].[Toughness (gm/den) Max1], [New Product Design
Input Form Target].[Tenacity (gm/den) Min1], [New Product Design Input Form
Target].[Tenacity (gm/den) Avg1], [New Product Design Input Form Target].
[Tenacity (gm/den) Max1], [New Product Design Input Form Target].[Dry Heat
Temp], [New Product Design Input Form Target].[Hydrolysis Temp], [New Product
Design Input Form Target].[Dry Heat Time to 80% Tensile], [New Product Design
Input Form Target].[Hydrolysis Time to 80% Tensile], [New Product Design
Input Form Target].Series, [The New Design OutPut Form].[Product Name], [The
New Design OutPut Form].[Size(mm)], [The New Design OutPut Form].[% Shrinkage
Avg], [The New Design OutPut Form].[% Relative Elong Avg], [The New Design
OutPut Form].[% Elong At Break Avg], [The New Design OutPut Form].[Tensile
Strength (lbs) Avg], [The New Design OutPut Form].[Knot Strength (lbs) Avg],
[The New Design OutPut Form].[Loop Strength (lbs) Avg], [The New Design
OutPut Form].[Y Modules (gm/den) Avg], [The New Design OutPut Form].
[Toughness (gm/den) Avg], [The New Design OutPut Form].[Tenacity (gm/den)
Avg], [The New Design OutPut Form].[Development Spec Date], [The New Design
OutPut Form].[Key Characteristics Notes1], [The New Design OutPut Form].[Dry
Heat Temp], [The New Design OutPut Form].[Hydrolysis Temp], [The New Design
OutPut Form].[Product Number], [The New Design OutPut Form].[Size(mm)], [New
Product Design Input Form Target].[Y Modules (gm/den) Avg1], [New Product
Design Input Form Target].[Tenacity (gm/den) Avg1], [New Product Design Input
Form Target].[Toughness (gm/den) Avg1], [The New Design OutPut Form].
[Tensile Strength (lbs) Min], [The New Design OutPut Form].[Knot Strength
(lbs) Min], [The New Design OutPut Form].[Loop Strength (lbs) Min], [The New
Design OutPut Form].[% Shrinkage Min], [The New Design OutPut Form].[%
Relative Elong Min], [The New Design OutPut Form].[% Elong At Break Min]
FROM [New Product Design Input Form Target] INNER JOIN [The New Design OutPut
Form] ON [New Product Design Input Form Target].[Product Number]=[The New
Design OutPut Form].[Product Number];
John said:
It would help if you posted the entire SQL. But I am guessing that
somewhere in your SELECT clause or your WHERE Clause you have referred to
Product Number without qualifying it with the table name. Perhaps in a
calculation of some type.
SELECT Left([Product number],5) , ...
Would generate the error since we can't tell from that which [Product
Number] field you want to use from the two tables/
The statement would have to be
SELECT Left([New Product Design Input Form Target].[Product Number],5) ...
to avoid any ambiguity.
I am getting the error that says the specific field [product number] could
[quoted text clipped - 11 lines]