Hey, Ive been looking at this far too long think it needs new set of eyes:
The following sql statement fails when it trys to insert varNumber into
[Variation Number]. The field types match and varNumber is not null.
sqlStr = "INSERT INTO [Tbl_View Variations]([Project Number], [Variation
Number], [Variation Description], [Variation Cost], [Date Created], [Start
Date], Month) VALUES" & _
"(" & project & "," & varNumber & "," & description & "," & poValue &
"," & dateCreated & ", " & startDate & ", " & months & _
The following sql statement fails when it trys to insert varNumber into
[Variation Number]. The field types match and varNumber is not null.
sqlStr = "INSERT INTO [Tbl_View Variations]([Project Number], [Variation
Number], [Variation Description], [Variation Cost], [Date Created], [Start
Date], Month) VALUES" & _
"(" & project & "," & varNumber & "," & description & "," & poValue &
"," & dateCreated & ", " & startDate & ", " & months & _