Frankie via AccessMonster.com
I am having error 3075 ( wrong syntax with Me!CodeClient) message with the
following code on a form AfterUpdate event :
If Not IsNull(Me!NomClient) Then
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE tblSecteurProspects SET " _
& "Statut = 'Client'," _
& "CodeClient = " & Me!CodeClient & " WHERE NumProspect = " _
& Me!NumProspect, dbFailOnError
End If
I don't get it.
Anybody 's advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Access 2003
following code on a form AfterUpdate event :
If Not IsNull(Me!NomClient) Then
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE tblSecteurProspects SET " _
& "Statut = 'Client'," _
& "CodeClient = " & Me!CodeClient & " WHERE NumProspect = " _
& Me!NumProspect, dbFailOnError
End If
I don't get it.
Anybody 's advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Access 2003