.Len B
The following is in the OnOpen event of a form. It is designed to
populate an ocx control in the form.
Dim rst As Recordset, stSelCrit As String
stSelCrit = "SELECT NoteDate, LogonName, CNote FROM selqNotes"
stSelCrit = stSelCrit & " ORDER BY NoteDate DESC;"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(stSelCrit)
The Set rst = statement generates the error:
Too few parameters. Expected 1. (3061)
It used to work but stopped working after I added a new combo to
the form. I can't see how that caused it.
It says it is expecting 1 paramater. By my count it is getting
one, just one.
I changed this
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset, ...
and doublechecked that References include MS DAO 3.6 Object Library.
What else might it be?
populate an ocx control in the form.
Dim rst As Recordset, stSelCrit As String
stSelCrit = "SELECT NoteDate, LogonName, CNote FROM selqNotes"
stSelCrit = stSelCrit & " ORDER BY NoteDate DESC;"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(stSelCrit)
The Set rst = statement generates the error:
Too few parameters. Expected 1. (3061)
It used to work but stopped working after I added a new combo to
the form. I can't see how that caused it.
It says it is expecting 1 paramater. By my count it is getting
one, just one.
I changed this
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset, ...
and doublechecked that References include MS DAO 3.6 Object Library.
What else might it be?