I’m attempting to query two tables in a single Access 2007 database. Originally, I thought this process would be pretty easy to perform. However, as it turns out, it’s been tremendously more difficult than I anticipated. This forum has been a great resource in designing this query up until this point. However, I’ve come across a stubborn error message that I have been unable to resolve no matter how much research I do here. It is—of course—the dreaded “[font="]Run-time error "3061" Too few parameters. Expected 1”[/font][font="] message.[/font]
I’m using Access 2007 and I’m trying to use the query results to populate a series of Excel 2007 spreadsheets. (It’s actually running in an Excel module. However, since the code in question references a series of Access tables, I thought I ‘d post here. ) The two tables are PS_Stack and PS_Price_Stack. They share two fields in common (STACK_UID and STACK_DATE). By matching the UID’s in the two tables, sorting by STACK_DATE, the resulting query will then export the results into an Excel template.
With all this, I should say I’ve actually benefited greatly from Doug Steele’s posts. He provided an answer to someone else plagued by a similar error message, followed by a useful explanation. However, after unsuccessfully trying to work his solution into my code, I thought I’d post.
Thank you very much for your help.
I’m attempting to query two tables in a single Access 2007 database. Originally, I thought this process would be pretty easy to perform. However, as it turns out, it’s been tremendously more difficult than I anticipated. This forum has been a great resource in designing this query up until this point. However, I’ve come across a stubborn error message that I have been unable to resolve no matter how much research I do here. It is—of course—the dreaded “[font="]Run-time error "3061" Too few parameters. Expected 1”[/font][font="] message.[/font]
I’m using Access 2007 and I’m trying to use the query results to populate a series of Excel 2007 spreadsheets. (It’s actually running in an Excel module. However, since the code in question references a series of Access tables, I thought I ‘d post here. ) The two tables are PS_Stack and PS_Price_Stack. They share two fields in common (STACK_UID and STACK_DATE). By matching the UID’s in the two tables, sorting by STACK_DATE, the resulting query will then export the results into an Excel template.
With all this, I should say I’ve actually benefited greatly from Doug Steele’s posts. He provided an answer to someone else plagued by a similar error message, followed by a useful explanation. However, after unsuccessfully trying to work his solution into my code, I thought I’d post.
Thank you very much for your help.
Dim sExcelFile As String
Dim sDB As String
Dim objDB As DAO.Database
Dim MyRecordset As DAO.Recordset
Dim MyStackUID As Integer
sDate = Format(dDate, "yyyymmdd")
sExcelFile = e_dir & sDate & ".xls"
sDB = a_dir & sDatabase & ""
Set objDB = OpenDatabase(sDB)
Set MyRecordset = objDB.OpenRecordset(myQuery)
' MyStackUID now contains the value that we want to use in our query to the other table
MyStackUID = MyRecordset("STACK_UID")
Set objDB = OpenDatabase(sDB)
sExecute = "SELECT PS_Stack.STACK_UID, PS_Stack.HOUR, PS_Stack.STACK_DATE, PS_Price_Stack.POSITION_DATE, PS_Stack.QUANTITY, PS_Stack.PRICE INTO [Excel 8.0;DATABASE=" & sExcelFile & "].[" & sWorksheet & "] FROM [PS_Stack] INNER JOIN PS_Price_Stack ON (PS_Stack.STACK_UID = PS_Price_Stack.STACK_UID AND PS_Stack.STACK_DATE = CStr(PS_Price_Stack.STACK_DATE)) WHERE PS_Stack.STACK_UID = " & MyStackUID & " AND PS_Price_Stack.POSITION_DATE = #" & dDate & "# ORDER BY PS_Stack.STACK_UID, PS_Stack.HOUR, PS_Stack.PRICE"
objDB.Execute sExecute
Set objDB = Nothing