Error 3021

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kevin B
  • Start date Start date

Kevin B

I've got some automation code that errors out when it's called from a form,
displaying error #3021. However, if I insert break points and step through
the code with either F8 or F5 it runs just fine.

The sequence of event is:

1. Capture selected job name from a listbox on a form to an array
2. Create proto-file names using the selected job names and storre to an array
3. Query the table, one job name at a time and store each field value to an
4. Open a new word doc, using a template, and populate table 1 w/field data
5. Save and close the document and repeat the loop

I've posted the code below and any tips or suggestions would be greatly
appreciated, I seem to have run out of ideas at this point.

Code follows:

Function GenerateWordDocuments(frm As Form)
' Purpose: Generate Word documents using the requests that
' were selected on Print Request Forms tab of the
' frmMain form
' Input: The frmMain form as a form object
' Output: Nothing
' Object variables for the current database, a generic
' recordset object, the list box with the job names and
' three Word objects: the application, the document and the
' first table in the document object
Dim dbf As DAO.Database, rst As DAO.Recordset, lstDocRequests _
As ListBox, wdApp As Word.Application, wdDoc As _
Word.Document, wdTbl As Word.Table
' 3 array variables for the selected job names, their
' related document name and the 13 values returned by the
' the query that are used to populate the Word template
Dim strJobs() As String, strDocs() As String, varVals(12) As _
' String variables for the SQL that extracts the data for
' each selected job, the current date as a string used in
' the filename, 3 counters used in various FOR loops and
' a boolean that indicates whether or not Word is up and
' running
Dim strSQL As String, strDate As String, intDocTot As _
Integer, intFields As Integer, i As Integer, _
blnIsAppRunning As Boolean

On Error GoTo Err_GenerateWordDocuments
' Assign the list box and the string date to their
' respective variables. Cycle through all the names in the
' list box and capture all selected ones to the strJobs()
' array. The intDocTot variables counts the number of
' selected documents and is used in future FOR loops as a
' control value
Set lstDocRequests = frm.lstDocRequests
Set dbf = CurrentDb

'Suppress screen activity, disply stat bar message
ScreenOn False, "Capturing job names and generating " & _
"document file names, please wait..."
DoCmd.SetWarnings False

strDate = CStr(Format$(Date, "mm-dd-yyyy"))
With lstDocRequests
For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
If .Selected(i) Then
ReDim Preserve strJobs(i)
strJobs(i) = .Column(1, i)
intDocTot = intDocTot + 1
End If
Next i
End With
' With the total number of selected documents counted,
' redimension the strDocs array, and then strip out any
' spaces, replacing them with an underscore, strip out
' any dashes replacing them with nothing and then strip out
' any 2 consectutive underscores replacing them with a
' single underscore. This array holds the future root name
' values which will be assigned to the documents created
' later on in this function
ReDim strDocs(intDocTot)
For i = 0 To intDocTot - 1
strDocs(i) = Replace(strJobs(i), " ", "_")
strDocs(i) = Replace(strJobs(i), "-", "")
strDocs(i) = Replace(strJobs(i), "__", "_") & strDate
Next i
' Next step is to create the Word application object. Using
' the UDF IsAppRunning determine whether or not Word is
' listed in the running objects table. If it is use
' GetObject, otherwise use CreateObject to initialize the
' variable
blnIsAppRunning = IsAppRunning("WinWord.exe")
If blnIsAppRunning Then
Set wdApp = GetObject(, "Word.application")
Set wdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
End If
' The next FOR loop contains a nested FOR and 2 nested WITH
' statements.
' The overview is to create a recordset object by querying
' the jobs record. Store each of the field values to the
' varVals array.
' With the Word object, create a new document and save it
' using the current strDocs array value. Then loop through
' all the values in the varVals array and place them in the
' appropriate cell in Table 1 of the current document.
' When done, resave and close the current document and
' loop to create the next one.
For i = 0 To intDocTot - 1
ScreenOn False, "Capturing data for the next , " & _
"document, please wait..."
'Recordset query
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblPermCycleSetups WHERE (((" & _
"Job_Name)='" & strJobs(i) & "'));"
Set rst = dbf.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
With rst
'Loop through the returned record and capture field
For intFields = 0 To 12
varVals(intFields) = Nz(.Fields(intFields + 1). _
Value, "")
Next intFields
End With
'Activate the word app
With wdApp
'Add andsave a new document and initialize the table
ScreenOn False, "Creating and save " & strDocs(i) & _
".doc, please wait..."
Set wdDoc = wdApp.Documents.Add(conWDTemp)
wdDoc.SaveAs conDocDir & strDocs(i), FileFormat:=wdFormatDocument
Set wdTbl = wdDoc.Tables(1)
'With the table object, place the 13 values captured from the
'recordset in their corresponding table cell
With wdTbl
For intFields = 0 To 12
Select Case intFields
Case 0
.Cell(1, 2).Range.Text = _
Case 1
.Cell(2, 2).Range.Text = _
Case 2
.Cell(3, 2).Range.Text = _
Case 3
.Cell(4, 2).Range.Text = _
Case 4
.Cell(5, 2).Range.Text = _
Case 5
.Cell(6, 2).Range.Text = _
Case 6
.Cell(7, 2).Range.Text = _
Case 7
.Cell(7, 4).Range.Text = _
Case 8
.Cell(8, 2).Range.Text = _
Case 9
.Cell(8, 4).Range.Text = _
Case 10
.Cell(9, 2).Range.Text = _
Case 11
.Cell(10, 2).Range.Text = _
Case 12
.Cell(11, 2).Range.Text = _
Case Else
End Select
Next intFields
'Save and close the current word document
End With
End With
Next i



With lstDocRequests
.Value = Empty
End With
Set dbf = Nothing
Set rst = Nothing
Set lstDocRequests = Nothing
Set wdApp = Nothing
Set wdDoc = Nothing
Set wdTbl = Nothing
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
ScreenOn True
Exit Function

If Err.Number = 429 Then Resume Next
ErrTrap Err.Number, conMod, "GenerateWordDocuments", True
Resume Exit_GenerateWordDocuments

End Function
You didn't say where in the code the error is occuring. That would be useful
to know. The only thing I see is that after you open the recordset, you
don't check to see if you actually got a record. If the query returns no
records, you might get that error.

Try adding after this line:
Set rst = dbf.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
If rst.RecordCount = 0 Then
'Change your code so it loops to the next job.
End If

If that doesn't do it, post back and show where the error happens. It is
possible it could be a timing problem.
Well, there has to be a record because the list that displays in the list box
is a list of jobs already in the table, so there has to be record. Each time
I run the SQL I'm getting 1 record back.

As for where the error is occurring, I haven't a clue. If is select one
record or ten and step through the code it works fine. If I just execute the
code from the form by clicking the command button I error out with a 3021

Thanks for the quick reply, and thanks for your past posts I've gleaned some
good stuff from reading them.

Kevin B.
Thanks for the kudos. Kevin.
Put a breakpoint at the top of the code and step through each line until the
error happens. This will tell you two things.
1. If it does not error out, it is a timing problem.
2. If it does, then you will know what line errors. Look at all your
variable values to make sure they are correct.

By timing problem, I mean that some action is trying to execute, but
something that started before it hasn't completed yet. It is possible when
you are opening and closing external files (Word) that this can happen.

And, I can't count the number of times I was positive something was
happening and found out it wasn't.
Thanks again. I do believe it's a timing issue and I thought I could get
around it by opening Word in the background only once and then just
open/close documents.

I checked out the no record possiblity by checking to see if the pointer was
at .BOF and .EOF each time I retrieved a record, and it came up false each
time I stepped through the code. So I'm getting data. Next thing that I'll
try is moving the template off the network to see if that shaves enough time
off for the application to catch up.

Too bad I can't suggest that my client type those document one at a time so
I can go home early.

Thanks again...

Kevin B
I owe ya' big time. That API call did the trick and with just a few tweaks I
was able to select 100 or so job names and created the documents without a

What a nifty piece of coding.

Thanks again...