| "tbird" <
| wrote in message | I have just upgraded my PC from ME to XP. I am trying to
| open and use a word document that was on the ME edition
| and I get Error 1911 - could not register type of library
| for file.
| The box that pops up first says it will try to configure
| microsoft 2000 professional then a C: file name, but it
| is unsuccessful. What is wrong?
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) may not be correctly
installed. For more information see the following Microsoft
Knowledge Base article:
KB299608 - OFF2000: "Error 1911" Error Message When
You Run Office 2000 Setup
And if you need more help with Office Setup I suggest that you
post your question in the following newsgroup:
Office Setup
AKA microsoft.public.office.setup
If you read the newsgroups using a Browser see the following
Microsoft Communities Web Page:
Microsoft Office Newsgroups
Welcome to Microsoft Office Newsgroups
If you read newsgroups using a NNTP newsreader, such as Outlook
Express, and use the msnews.microsoft.com news server:
And if you post to that newsgroup I suggest that you include
information such as:
- Operating System version and service pack level
- Version and Service Pack level of Microsoft Word
- Exact words in popup error box message
- Any relevant information found in you log files. For example,
examine Event Viewer (eventvwr.msc) Application Log entries for
Source: MsiInstaller and Source: Microsoft Office 10 or 11. And
examine the Windows Installer log file. For some general
information see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles:
KB289508 - HOW TO: View the Error Signature from Office
Application Error Reporting If Program Quits Unexpectedly
KB296603 - HOW TO: Use an Office XP Setup Log File to
Troubleshoot Setup Problems in Office XP
And for future information, here is a link to the Microsoft
Office Support Center. Among many other resources this Web Page
has links to all the Support Centers for All Microsoft Office
Program Versions.
Microsoft Office Support Center