Error 1905

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dave
  • Start date Start date


When uninstalling, I got the following errors:

Error 1905.Module C:\Program Files\Microsoft
AntiSpyware\gcAntiSpywareLibrary.dll failed to
unregister. HRESULT -2147220472. Contact your
support personnel.

Error 1905.Module C:\Program Files\Microsoft
AntiSpyware\gcASPrivacyLib.dll failed to
unregister. HRESULT -2147220472. Contact your
support personnel.

Error 1905.Module C:\Program Files\Microsoft
AntiSpyware\GCCollection.dll failed to
unregister. HRESULT -2147220472. Contact your
support personnel.

Error 1905.Module C:\Program Files\Microsoft
AntiSpyware\gcASSoapLib.dll failed to
unregister. HRESULT -2147220472. Contact your
support personnel.

Error 1905.Module C:\Program Files\Microsoft
AntiSpyware\gcTCPObjLib.dll failed to
unregister. HRESULT -2147220472. Contact your
support personnel.

Error 1905.Module C:\Program Files\Microsoft
AntiSpyware\gcASThreatAudit.dll failed to
unregister. HRESULT -2147220472. Contact your
support personnel.

Error 1905.Module C:\Program Files\Microsoft
AntiSpyware\shellextension.dll failed to
unregister. HRESULT -2147220472. Contact your
support personnel.

Error 1905.Module C:\Program Files\Microsoft
AntiSpyware\gcSoftwareUpdateLib.dll failed to
unregister. HRESULT -2147220472. Contact your
support personnel.
Dave said:
When uninstalling, I got the following errors:

Error 1905.Module C:\Program Files\Microsoft
AntiSpyware\gcAntiSpywareLibrary.dll failed to
unregister. HRESULT -2147220472. Contact your
support personnel.

When uninstalling, ensure that you are logged in under the same account
which installed it in the first place, an account which must have local
Administrator rights.