Error 101 and error1904

  • Thread starter Thread starter Phyllis ps5253
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Phyllis ps5253

I am having the same problem with my computer. It works
on my husbands log on, but I get " unexpected error,
quiting" So I tried to download it with an updated
version and as it was installing it gave me
multiple "error1904" module on several of my .dll files.
Please help I a very frustrated and it has been going on
for months.
Would help if Microsoft would give out details on what
actaully is installed when you install the product. I have
this problem too and haven't figured out how to solve it
but if you need to change default directory, Antispyware
Beta probably borks quite a few of its registry values.
Gonna try running regcleaner to find out if there's
anything that doesn't belong there and check for any system
devices leftovers it may have made... (Norton's products
have done the latter thing, can't reinstall unless you
manually remove all related virtual devices :)
Andre thank you but no go still same message. any Ideas
of a different antispyware I can use without this type of
flipping hassle.
I had the same problems and the solutions about deleting everything and
installing in a different folder and making sure you are an administrator do
NOT work. I tried them all. There is one solution that DOES work though but
it involves extensive editing in the Registry, so maybe not for everyone.
I didn't come up with this solution myself but someone called Dan figured it
out and posted it in the group.
Here is a copy of his post

From: "Dan" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Limited User- New Beta Release
Date: July 27, 2005 10:55 PM

I'm running XP Pro SP2, in a workgroup, not a domain. I
have multiple logins, all members of the Administrators
group. Only the user who installed the software can use it.

Billions of the zillions of registry entries MSAS uses (the
HKCR\CLSID\* entries are ok) have permissions that allow
the installing user and the System account access to the
registry keys. The Administrators group is NOT granted
access -- which is what causes the other logins to fail
with the uninformative "Unexpected error; quitting" message.

In a fit of anal-retentive pique I manually edited the
registry to grant Administrators Full permission to the
HKCR\gc*, and HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\gc* keys. This solved
the problem (though it took me 30+ minutes) -- until I next
upgraded and/or reinstalled.

So this problem is NOT just about Administrator accounts,
it is also about the installer setting inappropriately
restrictive permissions on the registry keys. At the very
least it should be possible to have an installer that gave
permissions to Administrators rather than a single member
of the Administrators group...

If you are not familier with editing the Registry you shouldn't do this, but
it did work for me