This error 101 is a real pain the arse. If i try to
change and update it, it remains the same. If i uninstall
it, it is still the same. Quite frankly i am fed UP TO MY
TEETH with it. When i contacted Giant, like the message
says to do, I get a mail back telling me that it they
aint responsible anymore. Faulty towers style customer
service springs to mind here! Can anyone help, coz this
is obviously a common problem!?
change and update it, it remains the same. If i uninstall
it, it is still the same. Quite frankly i am fed UP TO MY
TEETH with it. When i contacted Giant, like the message
says to do, I get a mail back telling me that it they
aint responsible anymore. Faulty towers style customer
service springs to mind here! Can anyone help, coz this
is obviously a common problem!?