Error 1004

  • Thread starter Thread starter tpeter
  • Start date Start date


I am attempting to make a dynamic Histogram and chart. I have recorded the
macro but when I run it the macro breaks and gives me the above error saying
ATPVBAEN.XLA cant be found. I have tried it with the empty sheet there and
with no extra tab. Thank you for your help.

Tim Peter
Have you installed the Analysis ToolPak? This is included within
XL2007, but on earlier versions you need to install it - check XL Help
on how to do this.

Hope this helps.

I am running 2003. The toolpack is installed, I recorded a macro and then
tried to get it to run as a check and then I got the initial error. Here is
the code, it breaks as soon as it starts running:

Sub His()
' His Macro
' Macro recorded 11/11/2009 by tpeter

Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Histogram", , "", , True, False, True, _
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-6
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Activate
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Chart 1").ScaleWidth 1.91, msoFalse,
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Chart 1").ScaleHeight 3.3, msoFalse,
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = "=Sheet3!R2C1:R242C1"
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = "=Sheet3!R2C2:R242C2"
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 230
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 229
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 228
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 226
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 221
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 216
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 212
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 207
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 201
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 186
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 177
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 167
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 159
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 140
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 133
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 124
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 118
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 112
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 101
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 96
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 92
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 89
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 84
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 82
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 78
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 75
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 70
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 67
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 65
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 62
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 54
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 50
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 45
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 41
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 31
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 25
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 16
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 5
Windows("Compiled w-0 425-630 n 800-1000.xls").ScrollRow = 1
With Selection.Border
.ColorIndex = 16
.Weight = xlThin
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
End With
With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 2
.PatternColorIndex = 1
.Pattern = xlSolid
End With
ActiveChart.HasLegend = False
With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue)
.MinimumScaleIsAuto = True
.MaximumScaleIsAuto = True
.MinorUnitIsAuto = True
.MajorUnitIsAuto = True
.Crosses = xlAutomatic
.ReversePlotOrder = False
.ScaleType = xlLogarithmic
.DisplayUnit = xlNone
End With
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Chart 1").ScaleWidth 1.33, msoFalse,
End Sub

Thanks for all of your help.
When I did this manually, I got ranges passed to the line of code:

Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Histogram", ActiveSheet.Range("$C$16:$C$31"), _
ActiveSheet.Range("$M$16:$M$24"), ActiveSheet.Range("$D$16:$D$31"), True, _
False, False, False

The parms are in this order:


I don't know what sheet you're using or the ranges that you need, but maybe you
can plug your ranges (and other choices) into that line of code.