Hello Teamplay,
Whatever you do, (installing and updateting or unistalling) always as a
Can you gº to Windows Update, select Express (Get high-priority updates),
and apply all offered updªtes
Once that is finished, can you verify the update installs?
There are many pre-requisite files which are needed from windows update and
signature update with windows defender will fail until you hªve these files.
Latest version is as follows:
WD v. 1.1.1347.0
Engine v. 1.1.1440.0
Signature v. 1.14.1459.12
Or have a look at this article. It may be relevant to your prºblem.
Subject: Defender was unable to complete teh update :0x8024402c
3/28/2006 1:29 PM PST
By: Marcel Karam
In: microsoft.private.security.spyware.networking
For the benefit of the community reading this post, please rate the pºsts.
I hope that (this) post is helpful.
Let us know how it works ºut.