erratic record advancing

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jerry Crosby
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Jerry Crosby

I had a user report an odd problem. When he clicks on the right arrow in
the record selection area at the bottom of a form to advance through the
records, after a few clicks it takes off on its own and goes to the last
record. He's watched carefully and is not inadvertently sliding the cursor
over to the "go to last record" arrow.

It happens after a varying number of clicks. Some times he can get to
record #8 before it takes off, sometimes to a higher record. No rhyme nor

Anyone else ever encounter this oddity? Solution?

Thanks in advance.

Unless someone else knows a specific bug that fixes this here is what I
would start with...

What vesrion of Access?
All service Packs installed? (There was an SP that addressed somthing like
this in Access 97)
Are the buttons the standard record selectors or custom buttons?
Do other users using the same DB have the same problem? If so are they on
different PCs or different Windows Profiles?
Does the user have a scroll wheel? (Accidentally scrolling? See second point
above if Access 97)
Does the user possibly have their double-click speed set too short?
Is the mouse possibly dirty and the button is sticking?
Does this happen if they navigate using the Page Down/Page Up keys?

Hope this helps

I learned late last night what the cause of the problem was. The user had a
wireless mouse and the transmitter was sitting on his CPU tower.
Apparently, the erratic behavior was caused by some sort of interference.
He moved the transmitter and the problem disappeared!

Sorry to have put you through all that "thinkin'!
