Erase Key in Legend

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Hi everybody

I have a Pie Chart, with a legend.
Is there a easy way, to erase the legend keys in the legend?
If I change the color, the color of the linked slice changes too!

I'm glad for any suggestion.


You can delete the entire legend. Not what you want?
Of course changing the key changes the chart - that is the purpose of a
legend key.
best wishes
Hi Bernard

Thanks for your answer. But unfortunately in this particular case,
we want to achieve, that every slice of the pie has his label (a,b,c...)
and the legend reads: "A 10,00% Europe" "B 20,00% Asia" etc.
If we do it like that we have 2 identifiers for each slice, which isn't
necessary. So we want to get rid of the Key.

Hope I made myself clearer!
If not, don't hesitate to ask, i appreciate every response!

Greetings Carlo
I have a solution, it works and only looks complex.
If you email me privately I will send you a file.
Here goes:

I will assume the labels (A,B,C..) are in A2:A10 and the values in B2:B10
In D2:D10 type the areas (Europe, Asia, .....)
In E2 enter this formula =A2&" "&TEXT(B2,"0.00%")&" "&" "&D2&" "&CHAR(13)
and copy down to E10
You can vary the number of decimals to suit purpose
On chart, add Title axis (Chart;Option:Title) and type any letter you like
i.e Z
Select the Z in chart title, type an equals sign (=) IN THE FORMULA BAR not
on chart and then select E2:E10
Drag the title to wherever you need the new 'legend"
If needed check the chart and type a new title and drag this into position

best wishes