Thx for the link, and it should have worked I guess,
but the installer would not let me go forward until I dloaded the Dec. '05
dx9c update.
Strange, as you'd think with Vista shipping with the newest dx9c and
dx10;that the installer would see it.
But it didn't-upon further talks with gaming people(which I wholeheartedly
confess-I'm not)
it seems some game installers do go flaky, but I got it resolved by
installing the Dec. '05 update. (over one in Vista already-probably)
Then the Eragon installer saw it, and let me proceed.
On a different note-
One big thing with me about pc games, is the keyboard.
I'm no good with it, and preferred;in my limited gaming, to use
controllers(PS2 is the console I have)
so when Colin B. addressed a question that I could use a xbox controller
with my pc-I went out and grabbed one.
Alas,many PC games aren't set up to use controllers-or easily configed if
they do.
It just so happens that Eragon is one that does-right out of the box-so
earlier today I went out and bought it!!!!
Bring on them nasties-woohoo
Thx again,