


Hi there,
I am looking for something to use in ASP .NET that is the
equivalent of HTML frames. I want a strip of links at the top of the page
and the rest of the page to be loaded dynamically. The URLs for the main
content frame need to be constructed, so cannot be set at design time.

Any ideas?

Grant Merwitz

i believe what you looking for is an iframe.
This is an HtmlControl, but if you set it an Id, and Runat=server,
you'll be able to control it from the code at run time

Kevin Spencer

You can use ASP.Net with Frames. However, it is problematic, and with 1.1,
this is usually done using Server Controls. ASP.Net 2.0 has a much better
solution, which is Master Pages. A MasterPage is a Page that has content
which is shared among any page that uses it, and contains regions of content
provided by other ASP.Net pages.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Everybody picks their nose,
But some people are better at hiding it.

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