Hi Harvey,
Thanks for your reply. Am sorry, but, I don't believe that to be the case. I
have tried to explain this with an example:
[VB.Net code]
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim b As Base
b = New Derived1
End Sub
End Module
Class Base
Public Sub Test()
End Sub
Public Overridable Sub Foo()
Console.WriteLine("Base - Foo")
End Sub
End Class
Class Derived1
Inherits Base
Public Overrides Sub Foo()
Console.WriteLine("Derived1 - Foo")
End Sub
End Class
Derived1 - Foo
Base - Foo
In other words, MyClass makes the call to the function always on the "same"
class ireespective of the inheritance chain, wihle the rule in inheritance
is to call the "most" derived form of the method(as is done by the line
Me.Foo(). Please let me know if you think that this scenario can be
simulated in C#, and if so how. I'd be grateful if you can post your code
snippet here.
Harvey Green said:
I think its 'base'
Me == this
MyClass == base