equipment IR codes


Master of Logic
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
I am building a system that requires the individual IR codes specific to each button function for a remote.

The unit I am currently testing is the LG 22LV2500 LCD TV. Not a bad little device, but some of the codes I currently have are not specifically correct in label. For example, one codeset that I have has a code that is mapped for the ability to switch to Component input. However, when I use this component code, it doesn't switch to component. It may switch to HDMI instead.

Long story short, the codeset that I have does not have a complete setup of functions desired to be performed, no matter their label. I am looking for HDMI switching, Component switching, Composite A/V and Power on/off. Everything else, I could care less.

I did some google searching and haven't found anything yet. Was wondering if anyone has run across anything like this.