Equilvalent NET SEND ?


Phil Hunt

I am porting an VB6 program to .NET C#
There is a NET SEND command in the VB6 program. Just wondering if there is
any thing similar in the framework.



There is a NET SEND command in the VB6 program. Just wondering if there is

"net send" native (hmm) New to me in VB6, thought i got it all, but
system("net send....yada yada
something might work... in cs - invoking the old black screen
commands... looks that thats what u been doing...
dont be hoping broadcasts will work on vlans...



Why would you do a NET Send via an application? Isn't that a little risky?
Why not send an email or something, a NET SEND can go to everyone on your

Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]


There isn't a NET SEND command in VB6. Rather, you are probably
executing that using the Shell function in VB6.

In .NET you would use the Process class to pass that to execute NET

Phil Hunt

What is the "something" you are thinking about. Basically, I am just sending
a window message to an user that something need his attention.

Ignacio Machin \( .NET/ C# MVP \)


Why risky?

IMHO , net send might be a valid way to send message around.
I haven't used it in years though.

You can use Process.Start to execute it, almos tin the same way that you did
in VB6


What is the "something" you are thinking about. Basically, I am just sending
a window message to an user that something need his attention.

Don't know C# version but it was the following in VB.NET (it would be
good to port the same thing into C#)

Shell("net send") and of course the function should continue with
destination ip/computer name and the message that will be transmitted.

Hope this helps.

Willy Denoyette [MVP]

Phil Hunt said:
I am porting an VB6 program to .NET C#
There is a NET SEND command in the VB6 program. Just wondering if there is
any thing similar in the framework.


Added to what others suggested, keep in mind that "net send" no longer
exists in Vista and higher. This command line tool was deprecated in favor
of MSG.EXE, which is also the preferred tool on XP.


Phil Hunt

Thanks guy. I replace a cmd FTP with some framework stuff, I thought I can
do the same with net send. Apparently not.

Ignacio Machin \( .NET/ C# MVP \)


Willy Denoyette said:
Added to what others suggested, keep in mind that "net send" no longer
exists in Vista and higher. This command line tool was deprecated in favor
of MSG.EXE, which is also the preferred tool on XP.

Honestly I was under the impression it was a NETWARE command . It's that
long since I last used it.

Willy Denoyette [MVP]

Ignacio Machin ( .NET/ C# MVP ) said:

Honestly I was under the impression it was a NETWARE command . It's that
long since I last used it.

MSG.EXE was introduced with Terminal Server as it's not possible to use NET
SEND to send a message to a user in a TS Session other than the console
As user logins are bound to session 1 in Vista and WS2008, it was necessary
to remove NET SEND, in order to prevent users sending messages to session 0,
which is really a bad think.



Not exact NET SEND, but it is very easy to use if you need to send
message to LAN user:

It does not send message itself, it transfer message to locally
running messenger for sending.
You can use freeware Fomine Net Send GUI as messenger for sending and
receiving messages:
Winpopup LAN Messenger - you can send message via Winpopup Server (to
offline user for example) in this case.

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