Epson stylus R220-B & W printing !!


Jun 4, 2006
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I wonder if you can help me, I have recently brought this printer, but today I'm experiencing problems. The colour prints it gives me are excellent but I can't print monochrome (black and white). I print my own pictures as I'm into photography. I found your comments on the web when I was searching for help. Do you have any idea how to get a good print out of the printer !!!

I'm new to this forum and using forum, and my computer skills are basic. I Look forward to your reply or anyone who can help.

Thanks Ros
Hi Ros:wave:

Can you not set the printer to print in a better colour by going into print options when you send a print job from the pc to printer?

I have tried to change the settings on the print options- advance and set it to
gray scale but it still comes out with a hint of a colour to it,
its not a true B & W !!

I have the print set as a B & W and desaturated on photo shop.

If you set the print colour to Draft & choose Grey Scale, this should make the printer only print in black without any colour.
Great thanks I will try this. Just found out a mate has also brought the same printer and hes having the same problem.

I will let you know how it goes.

Very strange? What make on Model is it? Are the cartridges different for colours & black?
What make on Model is it? Sorry what do you mean by this ??

Yes there are separate cartridges for black and about five other colours.

Ros said:
What make on Model is it? Sorry what do you mean by this ??

Yes there are separate cartridges for black and about five other colours.

Sorry did not see your first posting title:o
Have you looked on the Epson site for more info? Link below:

Normally when you select greyscale & non colour, you get no colour!
All a bit strange, how long have you had the printer? Have you printed before and had problems or is this your first time??
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