I have a Epson Stylus Photo 820 and I had tried to refilll a empty black ink cartridge with a black refill kit and after putting the cartridge back in the printer started going crazy, making all types of grinding noises and the like so I shut it down and then decided to get a new ink cartridge from inkgrabber.com, I have done business with them in the past and have never had any problems with their cartridges, well after putting the new cartridge in the printer it did not make any more grinding noises but now it does not print any black at all, I thought maybe that their could be a problem with the cartridge so I talked with inkgrabber.com and they were nice enough to send me another cartridge gratis and again the same problem, no black printing. I wonder if their is any way I can get any information about how to correct this problem, any help from any one will be greatly appreciated.
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