Epson printer not printing in B/W

Apr 11, 2007
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I have a Epson printer,DX5050,it`s just over 2 years old.It`s an all in one job.
It can print/scan without using the computer.This is where it`s going wrong.
It keeps on printing out in grey scale even though I press the black ink button. The black ink cartridge is half full so I don`t think that is the problem.I can`t do a nozzle check because it has never worked,or at least I`ve never been able to get it to work,instructions or no instructions.
And there you have it.B/W pictures,when scanned,come out in grey scale and are useless,newspaper items also the same. Can some one come up with a solution for me please?
Abarbarian said:

Hello Abarbarian.
Thanks for your reply.
I`ve taken a look at the site you mentioned.
Is the device the chap is selling a head cleaning cartridge,I think it is?
But the problem seems not to do with the ink,because every thing prints out just fine.This seems,to me,to be a problem with the printer it self. So if I press the black ink button on the printer to scan the artical and print it out in B/W,it comes out in grey scale. If I use the computer and go into Epsoms own scan prog`there are 3 "buttons" to select. They are B/W,Grey scale, and colour. If I select colour it prints out in colour,if I select grey scale in prints out in grey scale but if I select B/W it comes out in grey scale. To me that would indicate a fault with the printer.What do you think?
Ah ah now you explained a bit more it does indeed look like the printer itself. Do the colours come totally right ? Have you tried printing a colour page with a large amount of black on it ? If something like that prints ok I would say the printer itself.

That link is for a bottle of fluid and a tube and a syringe. Worked well on my clogged up printer.


A decent new printer can be had for around £50.

Abarbarian said:
Ah ah now you explained a bit more it does indeed look like the printer itself. Do the colours come totally right ? Have you tried printing a colour page with a large amount of black on it ? If something like that prints ok I would say the printer itself.

That link is for a bottle of fluid and a tube and a syringe. Worked well on my clogged up printer.


A decent new printer can be had for around £50.


Hi Abarbarian.
The printer we have now is a replacement for another all in one Epson printer,which worked fine for about 2-3 years. Then it started to missprint or not print at all. So I bought a head cleaning cartridge,recommended by the firm I was buying my ink from at the time. Didn`t do the slightest bit of good!! I was told that the print head had failed and that to replace it would cost about the same as a new printer,so it went into the bin. Now this one seems to be playing up after about 2 years. Could it be that Epson printers are not up to scratch? By the way the ink I was using in my previous printer was Epson compatible ink,and I think that was the problem. We now use only Epson inks.
Hi Abarbarian--again.
You asked me a question re; printing out a colour pic with a large amount of black.
Well nothing alse is effected while printing every thing is O.K. Just this annoying fault it has developed.
historian said:
By the way the ink I was using in my previous printer was Epson compatible ink,and I think that was the problem. We now use only Epson inks.

Hard to know for sure if it's the inks. A lot of people say that compatible inks are bad for printers but I ran an Epson printer for 7 years using mostly compatible inks and lots of DIY refills which I did myself (including ink all over my hands :D )

Eventually it packed up and certain colours wouldn't print but I reckoned I got my money's worth. I replaced it 6 months ago with another Epson printer scanner copier which cost £49.99 but I don't use it for photos - I have a separate photo printer. Incidently, my brother has a printer which costs him £65 for a full set of inks - I suggested that he buys a new printer each time he runs out of ink. :p
Hi Nivrip.
You having an Epson printer working for seven years must be a record.
The two I`ve had,including my current one,seem to only last about two years before something happens to them. Before I went over to PCs I ran Amigas.And the printer I had for them was an Epson Stylus400 which I had for a number of years,never let me down. Now with more modern technology they seem to break down quicker.
Further to my query re:printer not printing out in b/w.
Well to day I had a pleasant surprise,the printer has started to print out in b/w again, how about that!! Again I don`t know what I did to get it going again, except switch it on. Strange.
Good news Historian.

Just thought I'd mention that grey scale is the preferred option for scanning text and black and white photos.

Black and white mode, as I understand, is used for scanning things that are in high contrast-rich actual black and white.
I think you have to check out its software functioning.may be it not work properly.If you check it this on the search engine,you will get answer properly.