Epson printer error messages


Cool Cruncher
Nov 3, 2005
Reaction score
Has anyone out there purchased a Epson printer only to use it regularly and eventually see it die and tell you it needs to be serviced .. I have and actually took a C46 to the incinerator because it would`nt be cost effective to have the "servicable parts serviced" . That is until i found a free software package that resets all the inbuilt counters . Is this a print money scam that epson have or am i being negative ??. I Have now gone "around the clock 3 times with my new C46 now" saving me UUUUmmmm at least £100.
I have no idea... I don't know if a company would intentially put in counters like that to make it break down after a certain amount of use. But then again... I can't say they would never. I mean, if the world wanted we could build cars that would never break down, need maintnance, and run on air. But then you would have a lot of people out of work. Hmmm... may I ask the name of this program... Mods may not let you post name but you may send it in a message. I would like to see if the program's home sight has more info on the issue.
The printer has a "max" limit which is 8330 and depending on how much you print your counter increments until it reaches this limit. when it is met you DO NOT have the option of carrying on . Your printer will just not function and you will recieve an error message that some of the parts need Replacing or servicing . You then have to find a reputable dealer who will check the small bits of plastic and say EEErm looks dodgy ,needs replacing m8 ..thats £25 TA.
HuH ?

Personally, if anybody knew there printer was going to conk out at a certain page ... then why would they go and by another of the same type. Dork

I heard rumours a while ago that HP were up to the same tricks but I don't think the claims were ever substantiated.

The last printer I had that died on me was an HP 840C inkjet, it had 5 years of solid use so I figured that was a fair deal for 80 quid or so.

Longest printer I ever owned was an old HP Mono laser, from '91 to 2002. That, eventually, went six foot under ;)
To use the phrase Dork is derogatory ... The C46 printer costs £45 new and ink from retail shops £20+ for black and £20+ colour.. £85 total . A standard purchase for any sane mortal .. The software was sought and found after a friend had the same problem and phoned a service retailer who stated his epson had to be RESET (only i had already binned mine). RESET !!! this is not a hardware problem but a software con Muck . So next time gather more facts expert before you diss other people . I felt enraged to the point that i found this little software program to balance the books . I then purchased another C46 for £30 found a seller on Ebay that sells 10 black and 10 colour cartridges for £15 and can now print to my hearts content. So Muck what do you pay for ink and what do you use it for ?
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Rush said:
To use the phrase Dork is derogatory ... The C46 printer costs £45 new and ink from retail shops £20+ for black and £20+ colour.. £85 total . A standard purchase for any sane mortal .. The software was sought and found after a friend had the same problem and phoned a service retailer who stated his epson had to be RESET (only i had already binned mine). RESET !!! this is not a hardware problem but a software con Muck . So next time gather more facts expert before you diss other people . I felt enraged to the point that i found this little software program to balance the books . I then purchased another C46 for £30 found a seller on Ebay that sells 10 black and 10 colour cartridges for £15 and can now print to my hearts content. So Muck what do you pay for ink and what do you use it for ?

Oo-hoo, calm down Mr Rush or you is gonna busta blood vessel innit :D

I must admit if I bought something that conked out on me I wouldn't rush out and buy another one.

Does the same maxim apply to, say, washing machines?

As the Printer's so cheap - and assuming all you say is true - maybe it's built to such a shoddy standard that Epson believe it should be thrown away after a certain time/amount of use.


Who knows?
Floppy makes a good point. Perhaps the limit was created because of the carppy parts... and the limit was the point the felt that the damage would still be reapairable. Sounds like if you use the program long enough the printer will eventually breakdown beyond repair. But then again.. at that price... if you can extend the life 3 times over, purchasing a new one would equal the reapair fees.
Washing machines are just as bad !! (cheap bearing imports from Korea ..not china). For one i thought forums were to help the novices , right ? . Secondly i do not like to be riddiculed when all i a trying to do is inform people ok. So wouldn`t you like to pay them prices for ink !!!
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Rush said:
Washing machines are just as bad !! (cheap bearing imports from Korea ..not china). For one i thought forums were to help the novices , right ? . Secondly i do not like to be riddiculed when all i a trying to do is inform people ok. So wouldn`t you like to pay them prices for ink !!!

Forums are for whatever people want them to be within the law.

Here, yes, we do choose to help novices.

We also help people who are not novices, and some people help us.

By gathering together, in fact, we help each other.

Seems to me, Mr Rush, you don't actually need help, you seem to have solved your problem, neither do you seem to be offering any real help. But you're still quite welcome here.

Now, why do I get a strange feeling somebody, right here on this very forum, is champing at the bit to plug a supplier? :rolleyes:
Chomping at the bit to plug a supplier ?? I dont need help just wanted to voice an opinion... why do most of you wander off the given path and turn most threads into a family affair ?. The last 6 replys have not once mentioned Epson !!
Rush said:
To use the phrase Dork is derogatory ... The C46 printer costs £45 new and ink from retail shops £20+ for black and £20+ colour.. £85 total . A standard purchase for any sane mortal .. The software was sought and found after a friend had the same problem and phoned a service retailer who stated his epson had to be RESET (only i had already binned mine). RESET !!! this is not a hardware problem but a software con Muck . So next time gather more facts expert before you diss other people . I felt enraged to the point that i found this little software program to balance the books . I then purchased another C46 for £30 found a seller on Ebay that sells 10 black and 10 colour cartridges for £15 and can now print to my hearts content. So Muck what do you pay for ink and what do you use it for ?
Facts? what facts I see no facts ... Listen 'sunshine' ... back it up with some factual evidence, show me the Link.

Most laser printers have to be 'reset' when changing the drum, so it would not surprise me one bit if there was such a thing on an ink-jet ... but to go and buy another, knowing you have a 'limiter', is in MY OPINION idiotic.

I can get ink for the R200/300/320 for 15p each, the Cs are 25p for a pack of 3 ... Epson ink compat's are dirt cheap ... the C series of Epson printer are rubbish ... I still work in "the trade" so don't go teaching me how to suck eggs.

I appologise for using the word "Dork" ...
Rush said:
Chomping at the bit to plug a supplier ?? I dont need help just wanted to voice an opinion... why do most of you wander off the given path and turn most threads into a family affair ?. The last 6 replys have not once mentioned Epson !!

Is that how you see it? A family affair?

Do you have issues? Were you perhaps dropped on the head as a baby?

Why has nobody mentioned Epson?

Erm, lemme see, ah yes, gottit - Cos you did.

Here ya go >> Epson.
I have no issues floppy . only your hardware is slightly soft !!! equal now.
as for E++++ not plugging anything.
Muck apology accepted no hard feelings . I purchased the other AFTER i found how to change the limiter . we dont all roll in money M8. And as for sucking eggs you cant help but be rude can you ?
Rush said:
I have no issues floppy . only your hardware is slightly soft !!! equal now.
as for E++++ not plugging anything.
Muck apology accepted no hard feelings . I purchased the other AFTER i found how to change the limiter . we dont all roll in money M8. And as for sucking eggs you cant help but be rude can you ?
Nope, I can't help it, people either get used to it or ignore me ... either way you need to catch me on a good day for me to be civil. And I ain't no money bags, just fortunate enough to get good trade prices, and know who to buy off. I only potter about with systems these days for F&F.

I'm going to look into this 'limiter' as you call it, and really, I would not be surprised to find such a thing ... All the inkjet commandos have had a go at fitting something, but if people voted with their money instead of buying another "same make/model" maybe we would get somewhere ... don't suppose that will ever happen though.
Thanks men.. although it pains me to say it i have have learned a lot from you two .. sorry i threaded a pathetic title.. you guys have helped me loads
Well I'm sorry to tell you but that there piece of software has been around for a wee while and is very helpful in recalabrating Epsons own "tools monitor" missuse of the wording 'counter' here and there soon got the ball rolling.

Bin the Tools monitor and your ink should run dry and still print. Well blanks anyway.

The Epson Tools manager is supposed to assist you in how much ink your using etc ... that nifty little proggie does a better job and allows you to "exceed" the limitationd of Epson's Tools

Sorry, it aint new. But hey, it is usefull ...