Don said:
As I say, I'm not familiar with Epsons, but just as illustration my
flatbed's software automatically goes into "warming up" mode when the
scanner is turned on. Or, to be more precise, when I start the
supplied scanning software. The light comes on, the assembly shuffles
back and forth to make sure it's in the "home" position. While this is
happening a modal dialog pops up counting down the seconds needed for
warm up. This can be cancelled but I leave it on, of course.
Doesn't Epson have something similar? I mean, what happens when you
turn on the scanner on and run the supplied software?
When I turn on the scanner, it goes thru checking process & light in
lid goes on, then off. Light in base stays on. I've been scanning neg's
& chromes, so light in base irrelevant. When Epson Scan software is
opened, nothing changes in scanner. Light in lid comes on only when I
click Preview button; I don't plan to change that since Epson has
evidently engineered the scanner so that only a minute or so only
needed for adequate warm-up of lid light.
To answer a previous poster, inadequate warm-up of a scanner lamp has
serious consequences, so it's important to know whether or not the
scanner's manual says to do so. But, he's right re: the 4870. There is
no problem, but I just wanted to be sure, and this discussion has
I could have asked Epson, but responses are faster in this newsgroup.