Office Depot was doing a closeout on Kodak Ultima Photo Paper. It
claims Brilliant color photos that last over 100 years with a
disclaimer to see their web site. The web site makes some claim about
being a swellable polymer plus paper. My favorite paper is Epson
Glossy Photo Paper which is a micropourous paper. From what I have
read the swellable polymer should give better life.
I printed solid bands of C Y M and K at 23, 50, 75 and 100%. I
printed with Canon Chromalife100 ink using an IP4200 and MIS ink using
an IP5000. I let the samples dry for 24 hours. Initially all the
colors looked good. The Kodak paper printed noticeably darker in all
the colors. Which printer or ink used made little difference.
First test was running hot water for 30 seconds. The Kodak with the
canon ink lost all its ink. The Kodak with MIS ink left a magenta
smudge. The Epson samples were visually unchanged. Next I soaked the
samples in cold water for a half hour. The Kodak samples lost all the
cyan and most of the yellow. The Kodak samples looked similar except
that the solid black of MIS ink turned deep purple. The Epson samples
were visually unchanged.
Next I subjected samples to 2 hours of broad spectrum UV. Canon ink
on Epson paper had a barely noticeable fade mostly in magenta. The
Canon ink on Kodak paper had a fade and color shift that was 2 to 3
times more than the Epson paper. The MIS ink had a magenta fade about
20 times as much as the Canon ink with the Epson paper. The Kodak
paper MIS ink did not fade as much as the Epson MIS, but
significantly worse than Kodak paper with anon ink.
My conclusion is Kodak paper is unacceptable because of poor moisture
resistance. Kodak paper was more fade resistant with the MIS ink. In
my mind the clear winner was Epson paper with Canon ink. MIS ink is
fine for my less critical needs.
claims Brilliant color photos that last over 100 years with a
disclaimer to see their web site. The web site makes some claim about
being a swellable polymer plus paper. My favorite paper is Epson
Glossy Photo Paper which is a micropourous paper. From what I have
read the swellable polymer should give better life.
I printed solid bands of C Y M and K at 23, 50, 75 and 100%. I
printed with Canon Chromalife100 ink using an IP4200 and MIS ink using
an IP5000. I let the samples dry for 24 hours. Initially all the
colors looked good. The Kodak paper printed noticeably darker in all
the colors. Which printer or ink used made little difference.
First test was running hot water for 30 seconds. The Kodak with the
canon ink lost all its ink. The Kodak with MIS ink left a magenta
smudge. The Epson samples were visually unchanged. Next I soaked the
samples in cold water for a half hour. The Kodak samples lost all the
cyan and most of the yellow. The Kodak samples looked similar except
that the solid black of MIS ink turned deep purple. The Epson samples
were visually unchanged.
Next I subjected samples to 2 hours of broad spectrum UV. Canon ink
on Epson paper had a barely noticeable fade mostly in magenta. The
Canon ink on Kodak paper had a fade and color shift that was 2 to 3
times more than the Epson paper. The MIS ink had a magenta fade about
20 times as much as the Canon ink with the Epson paper. The Kodak
paper MIS ink did not fade as much as the Epson MIS, but
significantly worse than Kodak paper with anon ink.
My conclusion is Kodak paper is unacceptable because of poor moisture
resistance. Kodak paper was more fade resistant with the MIS ink. In
my mind the clear winner was Epson paper with Canon ink. MIS ink is
fine for my less critical needs.