The vast majority of internet mail users top post and it is now
convention for most. The history is below, so people only need read it
if they require it to recall what is going on. Otherwise, one has to
scroll every posting to find the new information. THAT is a really
wasteful use of time.
I top post almost exclusively, unless my reply would be completely out
of context. Since he was actually responding to my message, I knew
exactly what he was referring to.
Top posting allows for a much easier method of reading postings. I have
to read most of these daily, and have been doing so for nearly a decade.
I would truly be wasting a heck of a lot more time is I needed to
search for the new information on each post.
Sorry, but my experience says that in spite of what you may consider an
incongruity with the way literature or instruction manuals may work,
these are conversations occurring in more of a "real time" setting, and
the rules need to be changed to work best.
That happens when new technologies come along. Tell anyone with a cell
phone internet messaging system to not abbreviate anything because it is
bad form.
Form follows function. And in this case, old information follow new.