But I would prefer to get an all-in-one printer that has that scan
capability. Not a separate flatbed. But maybe the latter would be a
better way to go.
My flatbed scanner has two lights on it. The bottom one is used for
scanning paper. The top one for scanning negatives. And since it is
a flatbed, it doesn't do that good a job at scanning negatives (sensor
resolution is too low). If you're serious about scanning slides or
negatives, there are purpose-built devices for such scanning, and they
would do a better job for you.
So perhaps you could get an AIO with flatbed paper scanning.
And a separate slide scanner. You'd get to keep the slide
scanner, when the printer is finished, so you don't have to
continue searching for the slide/negative scanning function
over and over again.
First film scanner I could find. Reviews are mixed.
This model is more expensive, and uses LED lighting. Since the
scan speed of the other unit is not listed, it isn't possible
to compare the speed of the two units.