Epson AL C1100 white lines

Oct 30, 2006
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Hello there,

My first post here. I noticed someone with a HP color laser with the same problem and he got some good advice so I hope there is somebody here with some good advice for my problem.

I just bought a second hand Epson AL C1100 color laserprinter. I knew it had some white lines on the right side of the page. But for that price I just hád to take it, there has to be a solution to this problem.

Well, the thing is that there are white lines on the right side of any page. It looks like he cannot get there trough some sort of dust or any other problem. I've read something about a cleaning rod, but I aint got any.

Anyway, hopefully somebody knows more about this problem. I also contacted Epson about this issue. So perhaps they will come up with an answer.

Thank you in advance,

Frank Peters
The Netherlands
Ow, I'm quit stupid. That cleaning rod remains in the printer at all times. I contacted a servicestation and they got that under the attention. Anyways, the big white stripes are gone! Only some small ones remain. Well. I now know how to do it.