CSM1 said:
What happens if you immediately shut down Silverfast then turn on the
scanner and restart Silverfast?
Does Silverfast still ask for registration or run in demo mode?
I'm not describing this test case very well. Too many Christmas
parties, I guess. Let me try again. . .
I launch Photoshop SE and select "import" and launch the
Silverfast TWAIN plug-in with the scanner off.
Silverfast complains that it cannot find a scanner, and exits.
I then turn the scanner on and re-launch the TWAIN
plug-in (again, using "import" from Photoshop SE.)
At this point, Silverfast demands that I register, or run
in "demo" mode. This situation continues until I exit from
Photoshop SE and re-launch Photoshop SE.
So it's not really a problem now that I understand it.
But it was driving me nuts my first day or two with the