Epson 4490 and Kodakcrome

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I was just about to purchase an Epson 4490 scanner when I found out that the
ICE system would not work too well with Kodakcrome slides. Has anyone
experienced some problem with this scanner and Kodakcrome, Agfacrome or any
other type of slides.
I was just about to purchase an Epson 4490 scanner when I found out that the
ICE system would not work too well with Kodakcrome slides. Has anyone
experienced some problem with this scanner and Kodakcrome, Agfacrome or any
other type of slides.

Yes digital Ice doesn't work with Kodachrome, but it does work with all
other slide films. Kodachrome just has a different emulsion. Digital
Ice also doesn't work with black and whites negs either.

I'd agree ICE is 100% no-go with silver emulsion black and white. With
Kodachromes, it may work just fine, it may work partially. Depends on
the vintage of Kodachrome and the scanner.

FWIW, I have no problems with Kodachromes from the 70's and onward,
with Minolta Scan Elite 5400. It's "Grain Dissolver", a hardware level
light source diffuser, may be instrumental. The Nikons, and the Elite
5400 II, with their less diffuse light sources, may be more
problematic, just speculating. With these scanners, a third-party
Scanhancer diffuser may help (if available), again just specuating.