Why is it that a A4 size paper with borderless printings is shown correctly
in preview form software (Photoshop, Word and Acrobat) and after actual
printing the pictures appears to be a bit larger, so some part is 'cut off'.
As if the printer settings (dispite the right settings) doesn't allow to
print what I want. That is full use of A4 (borderless). Pictures are custom
sized in mm exactly.
Does this question make any sense? And more important how to solve it?
Why is it that a A4 size paper with borderless printings is shown correctly
in preview form software (Photoshop, Word and Acrobat) and after actual
printing the pictures appears to be a bit larger, so some part is 'cut off'.
As if the printer settings (dispite the right settings) doesn't allow to
print what I want. That is full use of A4 (borderless). Pictures are custom
sized in mm exactly.
Does this question make any sense? And more important how to solve it?