Epson 1160 Cleaning

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brian
  • Start date Start date


After a couple years of use of my 1160 with MIS inks the 1160 seems to
have developed a clogging problem in the "color" cartridge. When I
print the nozzle check the blacks (top row) look fine but on the
"color" line the cyan or magenta group or both is either missing
completely or is badly broken up. There's no real consistency, i.e.
things look different every time.I've done a bunch of head cleanings
from the utility to no avail. I've read here that maybe this problem
can be solved by putting a couple drops of Windex on the print heads
and the "docking" something or other but I don't know what the heads
look like, how to access them, or what the "docking" thing is and how
to access it. If someone could tell me how to access and recognize the
heads and this "docking" thing, or point me to a place that has a
diagram or pictures or something, I'd appreicate it (or if anyone has
any better ideas than the Windex idea for solving the problem I'd
welcome hearing them). Thanks.
Email me privately and I will send you a free copy of my copyrighted
Epson Cleaning Manual. It explains how to unclog the heads, and what to
use to do it. The cost of doing it is literally pennies, and you
probably have all you need at home right now.

The 1160, using a non-chipped cartridge, makes it very easy to clean.
