Gordy said:
Is it possible to write a script that searches an ASCII
file for a unique string and then places an EOF character
immediately after this string or deletes all text that
follows it?
If the text file is large, the following vbscript will take a while:
Const OpenAsASCII = 0 ' Opens the file as ASCII (TristateFalse)
Const OpenAsUnicode = -1 ' Opens the file as Unicode (TristateTrue)
Const OpenAsDefault = -2 ' Opens the file using the system default
Const OverwriteIfExist = -1
Const FailIfNotExist = 0
Const ForReading = 1
' path to original log file
sOrgFile = "C:\logs\test_org.txt"
' path to new log file
sNewFile = "C:\logs\test_new.txt"
' if you want to overwrite the original file, use the line below instead
'sNewFile = sOrgFile
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fOrgFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sOrgFile, ForReading, _
FailIfNotExist, OpenAsASCII)
sText = fOrgFile.ReadAll
iPos = InStr(1, sText, "<end>", vbTextCompare)
If iPos > 0 Then
' <end> is found at position iPos
' get all text before (a.k.a. over) <end>, including <end>
sText = Left(sText, iPos + 4)
Set fNewFile = oFSO.CreateTextFile(sNewFile, _
OverwriteIfExist, OpenAsASCII)
fNewFile.WriteLine sText
End If