(forgot to paste the code in the first time!)
Here's a VBScript that will probably fix it. Paste it into an empty text
file and save it as "FixEOF.vbs". You can
-use it from the command line, e.g.
Cscript "C:\Folder\FixEOF.vbs" "C:\Other folder\My text file.txt"
-drag a text file from Windows Explorer and drop it onto the FixEOF.vbs
icon in a folder (or put a shortcut on your desktop and drag and drop to
-modify the code to use as a procedure in your Access VBA code.
'-----------START OF CODE------------------
Option Explicit
'If a text file ends with ctrl-Z or ctrl-D, drop it.
'If the result ends with a blank line, dump the line.
'Ctrl-Z: DOS EOF marker
'Ctrl-D: PostScript EOF marker
Const BAK_EXT = ".bak"
Dim fso 'FileSystemObject
Dim fF 'File
Dim fIn, fOut 'Textstreams
Dim strLine 'String
Dim blNotFirstLine 'Boolean
If WScript.Arguments.Count = 1 Then
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fF = fso.GetFile(WScript.Arguments(0))
'If backup file aready exists, delete it
If fso.FileExists(fF.Path & BAK_EXT) Then
fso.DeleteFile fF.Path & BAK_EXT
End If
fF.Name = fF.Name & BAK_EXT
Set fIn = fF.OpenAsTextStream(1) 'ForReading
Set fOut = fso.CreateTextFile(WScript.Arguments(0))
strLine = ""
blNotFirstLine = 0
Do Until fIn.AtEndOfStream 'Read line by line
If blNotFirstLine Then
fOut.WriteLine strLine
End If
blNotFirstLine = -1
strLine = fIn.ReadLine
'We now have the last line of the file in strLine
Select Case Right(strLine, 1)
Case Chr(4), Chr(26) 'ctrl-D, ctrl-Z
strLine = Left(strLine, Len(strLine) - 1)
End Select
If Len(strLine) > 0 Then
fOut.WriteLine strLine
'this leaves a CrLf at the end of the file.
'to omit it, change WriteLine to Write.
End If
'Tidy up
MsgBox "This script removes EOF marker from a text file. " _
& vbcrlf & "Drag a file onto the icon to process it, or use the" _
& vbcrlf & "command line. " & vbcrlf _
& vbcrlf & "Original file will be renamed with " _
& ".bak extension", 0, "FixEOF.VBS"
End If