


There is a vb6 standard exe. This exe makes calls to other Com dlls and dot
Net dlls and exes. In this scenario, is the application running in the dot
net environment or com environment?

Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]


COM. VB6 doesn't run .NET unless it uses a COM component that is
created through .NET.

There is no relation between the two.

Hope this helps.

Willy Denoyette [MVP]

| There is a vb6 standard exe. This exe makes calls to other Com dlls and
| Net dlls and exes. In this scenario, is the application running in the dot
| net environment or com environment?

Don't know for sure why you call this environments, I would call it
VB6 uses COM to call into native COM objects, if calls into .NET components,
it does so through COM and the COM interop layer presented by the .NET
runtime which is loaded in-proc or out-proc depending on the type of
external component.


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