Envelope Button

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ilan
  • Start date Start date


I have a form which details a client's demographic
information. i would like to be able to do this by
creating a cmd button that would create an envelope
(probably in word) that would merge only the one record. i
tried using a parameter/open query where i ask the user to
enter the client id#, but this does not work. Any

Thanks, Ilan
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I have a form which details a client's demographic
information. i would like to be able to do this by
creating a cmd button that would create an envelope
(probably in word) that would merge only the one record. i
tried using a parameter/open query where i ask the user to
enter the client id#, but this does not work. Any

Thanks, Ilan
i apologize i had a few posts i was writing and hit the
same one twice. it was unintentional.


Why do it in Word? Couldn't you set up an Access Report to do it? Then
your button could print only the selected record. Set your Report up to
be the measurements of the envelope, and place your field accordingly.


Thank you for the suggestion - it works perfectly! (with
the exception that i cannot get the comma after city to
come directly after city due to spacing issues.
otherwise, excellent idea!)

Thanks again,
Hey Ilan,

I'm glad it worked for you. Regarding your comma problem, you might try
replacing your City State and Zip fields with a single, unbound field,
with a ControlSource like this:

=City & ", " & State & " " & Zip

This will concatenate the values into a single string, with the
appropriate comma and spacing.

In fact, it just occurred to me that you could save yourself all sorts
of placement problems by replacing all the addressing fields with one
concatenated field. It might look like this:

=First & " " & Last & vbCrLf & Address & vbCrLf & City & ", " & State &
" " & Zip

The vbCrLf gives you a Carriage Return/Line Feed, so you'd wind up with
everything perfectly placed.
