EnumWindows equivalent in VB .Net - pt 2

  • Thread starter Thread starter Geoff
  • Start date Start date


I am trying to find out if a specific app is already
running. And, in some cases, I will need to be able
to "click a button" in that other app if it IS running.

Using VS.Net 2003 and .Net Framework 1.1

Thanks again,
-----Original Message-----

More then likely you'll end up using the "old" approach. But, that
really depends on what you were doing. Can you give some more detail
about what your actually trying to do...
You can use the System.Diagnostics name space and use the Process class
for accessing information about different processes running on a system.

For example
imports System.Diagnostics

Dim x as Process() = Process.GetProcessesByname("notepad")

msgbox x(0).mainwindowtitle

Also you can use the following to get a list of processes

Dim prArray() as Process
prArray = Process.GetProcesses()

Anand Balasubramanian
Microsoft, Visual Basic .NET

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