Enumerating modules inside a process in a 64 bit system

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I need to detect whether certain addin is loaded inside Microsoft Word.
To do this I am using Process.GetProcessesByName("winword") from
System.Diagnostics and then enumerating all the modules inside the winword
process using Process.Modules.

This is working fine in a 32 bit system, however in a 64 bit system only 6
modules are showing inside the winword process and none of them is the addin
I am looking for, although the addin is loaded.

Why isn’t the module I am looking for showing up when using
Process.Modules and how can I accomplish this task in a 64 bit system?

Hi Ramon,

Welcome to MSDN Managed Newsgroup!

Internally .NET's Process.Modules is using function EnumProcessModules from
PSAPI.dll. This function has a known issue that it cannot work across 32/64
bit process boundary. Therefore enumerating another 64-bit process from
32-bit process or vice versa doesn't work correctly.

For an .NET process, by default it's compiled as "Any CPU", the generated
IL code will JIT (Just-in-Time) compiled as 32-bit or 64-bit native code if
you run it on a 32-bit or 64-bit OS accordingly.

The Office system now only has 32-bit version.

Therefore, when you run your "Any CPU"-compiled assembly on x64 system to
enumerate WinWord.exe, the result is not complete.

We fixed this issue by adding a new function called EnumProcessModulesEx to
PSAPI.dll (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms682633.aspx), but we
currently cannot use it in this case:

* it only works on Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008
* currently .NET 2.0 Framework don't have a service pack or hotfix to make
Process.Modules use this new API

As a workaround, if your application currently only needs to enumerate
modules of WinWord, since WinWord is always 32-bit, I suggest you compile
your .NET application specifically as 32-bit process instead of AnyCPU.
This way it could correctly enumerate process of WinWord. Here's the steps
on how to do this:

* Select your project in Visual Studio 2005 Project Explorer, open menu
"Build/Configuration Manager", this will bring up the "Configuration
Manager" dialog
* In the "Active solution platform" combobox, select "<New...>", this will
bring up the "New Solution Platform" dialog
* In the "Type or select the new platform" combobox, select "x86", click
button "OK".
* Click button "Close" to close "Configuration Manager" dialog
* Now you can build your assembly as 32-bit.

I hope this helps. Please feel free to let me know if there's anything else
I can help.

Walter Wang ([email protected], remove 'online.')
Microsoft Online Community Support

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Hi Ramon,

I'm writing to check the status of this post. Please feel free to let me
know if there's anything else I can help. Thanks.

Walter Wang ([email protected], remove 'online.')
Microsoft Online Community Support

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