I posted this before...perhaps it is a new 'fug' (fug = feature+bug) of .Net? Perhaps nobody knows (not suprising) about how Windows works? I've duplicated this issue on NT4/SP6+.Net-1.1, W2K Server+SP4+NET-1.1 and WXP Pro+SP1. I'd like to get this resolved (I have a bet that nobody knows). TI
I setup this code to Monitor my Application Log and send to a *NIX syslog server. I add a handler for it like so..
l->EntryWritten += new EntryWrittenEventHandler(this, LogMonitor::OnEntryWritten)
l->EnableRaisingEvents = true
And I have the handler (simple for this post
void OnEntryWritten(Object* source, EntryWrittenEventArgs* e)
Console::WriteLine(String::Concat(S"Written: ", e->Entry->Message))
But when log data is written to Application log (5 messages in 5 seconds) I only get notification about 2, or fewer. Is there a known issue where the Events for the EventLog are not properly raised? How would one succussfully monitor the logs? Write my own Polling mechansim
I setup this code to Monitor my Application Log and send to a *NIX syslog server. I add a handler for it like so..
l->EntryWritten += new EntryWrittenEventHandler(this, LogMonitor::OnEntryWritten)
l->EnableRaisingEvents = true
And I have the handler (simple for this post
void OnEntryWritten(Object* source, EntryWrittenEventArgs* e)
Console::WriteLine(String::Concat(S"Written: ", e->Entry->Message))
But when log data is written to Application log (5 messages in 5 seconds) I only get notification about 2, or fewer. Is there a known issue where the Events for the EventLog are not properly raised? How would one succussfully monitor the logs? Write my own Polling mechansim