entryfield linked to selectionlist

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jean-Paul
  • Start date Start date


I created a form with a selectionlist of all belgian cities.
Next to this field I created an entryfield where the zip-codes should appear
What I want is this entryfield to show the zipcode when the up and
downarrow of the selectionfield is clicked

In the "after update" propertie of the selectionlist I wrote:

Dim db As Database
Dim tb As Recordset
Dim f As Form
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set tb = db.OpenRecordset("postnummers")
Set f = Forms![leerkrachten]
Do Until tb.EOF
If tb!gte = f!gem_lk Then
f!PN_lk = tb!PN
Exit Do
End If

tb!gte citiy's name
PN is the zipcode

The zipcode only changes when I put the cursor in the selectionfield and
then move to the next entryfield with the tab button

What do I have to do?

Thank you all

JPentryfield l
You can't trap the events for the up and down button on a listbox.
You will need to create two buttons that can update the list

In the custom up button, place this in the click event:

selectionlist = selectionlist.ItemData(selectionlist.ListIndex - 1)

and the converse of this in the custom down button:

selectionlist = selectionlist.ItemData(selectionlist.ListIndex + 1)

These will not fire the after update event of the listbox, so you will
have to call after update explicity in your click events.

selectionlist = selectionlist.ItemData(selectionlist.ListIndex - 1)

The after update event of the listbox would need something like this:

PN_lk = selectionlist

I strongly suggest you learn how to use the Dlookup function to avoid
scrolling through complete recordsets. In your code, you scroll the
recordset to find the Zip Code. If the table you are scanning is
large, you will have really long delays. You could have done
something like this:

Me.PN_lk = Dlookup("PN", "postnummers", "gte ='" & Me.gem_lk & "'")