Entry via a webbsite!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Niklas Östergren
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Niklas Östergren


I´m about to create a db with A2002 which we are going to store localy. In
the db we have memberdata (Names, Addresses, MemberShipType etc.).

We are now about to launche a new webbsite for our organisation in which we
also add possabillity for people to apply for membership throug a form in
which they enter all data we need for a new member (Name, Address etc.).

I only created db for localy use before and have never interact a db with
Internet before. So my Q to you is:

1.) Which is the best way to do this?

2.) Shall we have the db stored localy or on a server from which we then
need to download all the data every time we need it localy?

3.) Shall we store the data from a new member which apply for membership
thoroug the form at the wrbbsite in a access table and import the table
localy after downloading it or shall we just send the data from the webb
page as an e-mail / txt / xml / xls and then import it localy?

Any thing else I need to think about?


// Niklas
1) Depends how loaded you are. If you want to do it low tech then put the
mdb on your web server (NT based). Than share the folder and map this to
your local clients (for local access). Then create the folder as a website
as well (via IIS). Now come the difficult part, to enter form (web) data to
a database you'll need to write some ASP.

2) Not if you access the DB directly from the web server. Otherwise you
gonna have to do some sort of db replication or fragmentation.

3) you could import as a txt but that would be a pain in the ass.

anything else;
you'll need to know a bit about asp VBscript coding to get it to work. There
loads of info on the net. and in MS books ;)