Etienne-Louis Nicolet
Enterprise Library 4.1, Validation Application Block
I try to add a validation configuration using the configuration editor
(EntLibConfig.exe) in order to set the validation for some of my classes.
As I understand, any class that inherits from System.Object can be used as
type for validation. When I try to add one of my classes as type to the
Validation Application Block, I can not find it in the Type Selector window.
I had to realize that there's one difference in the Class View window
between a C#- and a VB-project. In C# virtually any class finally inherits
from System.Object, but not in VB. There I can not expand my tree down to
System.Object. The methods and properties listed in the window below however
indicate that my classes in fact do inherit from System.Object. Is there a
reason for this difference?
What do I have to do that I can add my own classes to the Application
Validation Block using configuration editor in a VB-project?
Many thanks for your help,
I try to add a validation configuration using the configuration editor
(EntLibConfig.exe) in order to set the validation for some of my classes.
As I understand, any class that inherits from System.Object can be used as
type for validation. When I try to add one of my classes as type to the
Validation Application Block, I can not find it in the Type Selector window.
I had to realize that there's one difference in the Class View window
between a C#- and a VB-project. In C# virtually any class finally inherits
from System.Object, but not in VB. There I can not expand my tree down to
System.Object. The methods and properties listed in the window below however
indicate that my classes in fact do inherit from System.Object. Is there a
reason for this difference?
What do I have to do that I can add my own classes to the Application
Validation Block using configuration editor in a VB-project?
Many thanks for your help,