G Guest Jul 25, 2007 #1 The service 'Microsoft.NET Framework v1.14322 Update' is preventing the machine from entering standby
The service 'Microsoft.NET Framework v1.14322 Update' is preventing the machine from entering standby
T tatertot91 Aug 6, 2007 #2 The service 'Microsoft.NET Framework v1.14322 Update' is preventing the machine from entering standby Click to expand... The way that i solved this problem is by going into the change/remove programs under the cintrol panel, and the uninstalling Microsoft .NET framework 1.0
The service 'Microsoft.NET Framework v1.14322 Update' is preventing the machine from entering standby Click to expand... The way that i solved this problem is by going into the change/remove programs under the cintrol panel, and the uninstalling Microsoft .NET framework 1.0