If you're running SQL statements like:
"INSERT INTO Users (Name, Address) values ('" & szName & "','" & szAddress &
consider using parameters instead. They should handle all the problems with
single quotes, number and date formats etc.
Your SQL statement would change to:
"INSERT INTO Users (Name, Address) values (?,?)"
and add the parameters in the proper order to the parameters collection of
the command object.
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Bob E said:
How can I insert a field name like O'Hare or O'Conner into a table. I
would rather not have to check every field entered to see if the character
( ' ) is in the field. I'm entering Streets, Names, Clients, etc. into a
table. Everything was going fine until the Name field (O'Hare) was entered.
Can I somehow map the Chr$(39) to Chr$ (96)? Any suggestions?