Entering Lengthy Text Info in Excel

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alan
  • Start date Start date


Is there a technique in Excel which allows the user to
enter lengthy text info in a cell and view/print the

I'm using Excel to create multipage forms which are
filled out by a user. The user must enter text
information on several pages. The text may be a few
sentences or several pages. I would also like to include
references in the text to cell values. For example,
provide several names on the text page via cell
references, then allow the user to type comments after
each name.

Excel 2003 limits the cell text contents to 32,767 char
with a max cell display of 1,024 and 32,767 displayed in
the forumula bar. The cell display appears to be further
limited by the max vertical cell size adjustment (my page
width needs to match legal size paper layout, i expand
the cell height to the max).

When I entered approx 3,000 char in a cell, approx 2,500
char were viewable in the cell and all the char were
viewable in the formula bar.

When I print the worksheet, only the text visible in the
cell is printed. This is unacceptable.

I've tried inserting a Word Object for the lengthy text.
I could create hyperlinks to cells to include the cell
values in the Word Object with the user typed text.
Unfortunately, the Word Object did not print over 1 page
so this is unacceptable.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

When I print the worksheet, only the text visible in the
cell is printed. This is unacceptable.

Have you considered using a web page with either server side or client side

Or possibly writing an application that does what you need in Visual Basic
or C++.
Thanks for the suggestions Mark.

The text entry is a small part of a large system I've
developed which utilizes Excel's features. My goal is to
leverage off Excel's features and only write code when
necessary and when the benefit justifies the effort. I
already have numerous VBA modules to simplify common
tasks, ie auto menu creation at startup, worksheet
inclusion from a library of forms, print selected
worksheets, load/delete images, etc.

I have not considered a web page. I do not want to
include web access dependencies when the user fills out
the form. This appears more complicated than I need for
my purposes.

A VB or C++ application could do this, but then I lose my
tight integration with Excel and the Excel utilities I've
created will probably not work without modifications.
I'd like to pursue a simpler option that utilizes the
functions available in Excel.

I thought the MS Word object would work for text entry,
but it only prints the 1st page in my tests. Maybe there
is a workaround for this.

Please submit any suggestions you may have.