I enter a lot of dates (ddmmmyy) in column A on a month-by-month
basis. Is there a way to just enter the "dd" and have the entry
automatically completed to include the "mmmyy" ? ie, I enter "27" and
when I hit 'enter' the cell is automatically completed to "27Feb04".
It is very easy to do using seperate columns/cells of course, ie in A1
enter "27" and have B1 =A1+38017 (with column B previously formatted
to "ddmmmyy"), but is there a way to accomplish this directly within
the same cell, A1?
basis. Is there a way to just enter the "dd" and have the entry
automatically completed to include the "mmmyy" ? ie, I enter "27" and
when I hit 'enter' the cell is automatically completed to "27Feb04".
It is very easy to do using seperate columns/cells of course, ie in A1
enter "27" and have B1 =A1+38017 (with column B previously formatted
to "ddmmmyy"), but is there a way to accomplish this directly within
the same cell, A1?